
Purchase, sale of DPR / EDPR

Documents confirming the recycling of waste packaging, packaging waste recovery note (DPR) or packaging waste export recovery note (EDPR), are used by Packaging Recovery Organisations to confirm the fulfilment of the obligation to recover and recycle packaging waste for entities marketing packaged products, which entrusted Packaging Recovery Organisations with this obligation.

With our knowledge of the Packaging Recovery Organisation market, we are able to offer attractive prices for EDPR or DPR certificates.

For whom?

If you are a generator of waste packaging, a collector of waste packaging or a recycler of waste and you apply or issue recycling certificates for the following assortments (waste):

15 01 01 paper and cardboard packaging (ordinary)
15 01 01 paper and cardboard packaging ( from households)
15 01 02 plastic packaging (ordinary)
15 01  02 plastic packaging (from households)
15 01 03 wooden packaging
15 01 04 steel packaging (ordinary)
15 01 04 steel packaging (from households)
15 01 04 aluminium packaging (ordinary)
15 01 04 aluminium packaging (from households)
15 01 05 composite packaging
15 01 07 glass packaging (ordinary)
15 01 07 glass packaging (from households)
15 01 10* packaging of hazardous substances

and you looking for an attractive offer – contact us